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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Customizing a Blue Fox Wildeye

I have had good luck with my Blue Fox® in-line spinners, especially my #5 silver Wildeye®, which has been one of my go to weapons to hook up on the bigger fish. So I decided to customize one to use alongside one that is not customized, to see what advantages I could create. Customizing baits and lures; finding the combinations that produce fish and building a tackle box full of gear that works add to the fun and enjoyment of fishing. Plus, building customized gear gives you something to do in the off season when you're not in the woods with a boom-boom stick stalking brown, furry, four legged critters with horns.

I started with a #5, 7/16 oz. Wildeye® cutting off the treble hook with a pair of diagonal cutters. I then added a white silicon skirt with silver flakes, made by Strike King Lure Company®, to a red colored VMC® #2, Barbarian treble hook. I made sure that the skirt was facing the correct direction so it will perform well in the water. After the skirt and treble hook was all set, I added a #4, 50 lbs. Owner® split ring to the treble hook and attached the treble hook to the wire at the end of the lure.

The end result of my customizing project is an in-line spinner that is silver with a white colored silicon skirt and red treble hook. The lure now looks like a more expensive lure and I think it will look yummy to the bigger fish. I can now easily replace the skirt with a new if needed or switch the skirt with one of a different color.

    Customized Blue Fox® In-line Spinner.  Photo taken by Shawn Thompson.

Stay tuned for upcoming customizing projects here on Capital Region Fishing.


1 comment:

  1. Ive gotten this lure in the water and it swims and looks great. Haven't caught anything with it yet but hopefully the customizing pays off.
